Cashmere pattern
Thought I'd include the chart for the hearts pattern, body of the stole.
I've been listening to Brenda at Cast-on talking about creative commons/free culture, and felt that I would share this chart. It isn't my pattern, it is from Barbara G Walker's fabulous A Second treasury of Knitting Patterns, published by Schoolhouse Press. She calls it Palm-Leaf Chevron, and it is on page 277 of my edition. (BTW, I got all 4 books together from Schoolhouse for $108US, which is £57.50, and the postage and packing wasn't much more).
What I have changed: well firstly, I've charted it, so I could see more easily how it works. I used Knit Foundry's Knit Visualizer, which I heard about from Melissa on my knitlist. It is a great software package, you can just type in the pattern and change various things, and out comes a print-out! Secondly, in order that a) it shouldn't roll, and b) to make the heart/palm-leaf shaped pop out, I've made all of it except the hearts garter stitch, whereas BGW has it all in stocking stitch.
Hope you like it, and it works! Apologies for any flaws; I've been working from it, but then I know what I mean....
NB please use this for personal use only (ie not for profit), and if you do, it would be cool to see what you do with it. I reserve my right as the author of the chart that you don't sell it on as your own, for example. Not that I think anyone would want to! It's pretty basic.