The Knitterly Letter Swap the brainchild of the Domesticat . This is just a simple letter exchange - I have been given the name and address of a knitter (in the USA - doesn't give away too much really, does it?) and must write to her by the 16th of April. I will also receive a letter by then - from a different knitter, thus netting myself 2 potential knitting penpals in one fell swoop.
BTW, here is the 2nd completed sock - much lighter than the other (though from the same skein) but WTF, I don't mind love both. Bright charcoal colourway. And the advice in red on the left - most excellent, specially when an essay is due!
I like this idea - not so much of the 'see how good I can look on your blog'*, but rather a genuine contact, and one for whom I invest the time it takes to write by hand. Theoretically on beautiful writing paper, but I've fluffed that - if I don't do it now, it won't get done in time (it is Good Friday today, so I have a few days off) and I don' have any beautful paper. So I am knititng a tiny sock out of the remains of my jitterbug, which may not be available to my letter recipient, so she can see what it's like.

*By which I mean some of the big 'stuff' swaps - I bet they can be fun, but not for me, i think. The dyers swap was totally different! (Honest).