Module one seriously under way
1878 - City & Guilds was established following a meeting of 17 of the City ofLondon’s livery companies, the traditional guardians of apprenticeships and work place training. Its aim was to establish a national system of technical education.
1887 - We hold the first international City & Guilds examination – in New South Wales, Australia
1900 - We are granted a Royal Charter of Incorporation which denoted City & Guilds acceptance as a recognised part of the constitution and national life of theUnited Kingdom.
1907 - Imperial College founded – made up of City & Guilds College, Royal College of Science and Royal School of Mines
1 research and select sources of inspiration and develop design ideas
2 research and use contextual studies – contemporary, historical and cultural
3 use a range of materials, mediums and techniques
4 use a range of styles and sizes of presentation methods
5 produce and present exploratory and finished design projects
6 operate tools and equipment safely and effectively
7 appreciate the application of general design development studies to the craft.
The second unit is that specific to handknitting, and the expected outcomes are: I hope
1 apply innovative and complex design ideas to planning and making for the craft
2 plan, prepare and manage the making of complex craft items to a design brief
3 operate tools and equipment carefully, safely and effectively for complex techniques applicable
to this craft
4 make complex craft items to a high standard of craftsmanship, to a design brief
5 appreciate the contextual influences relating to the craft at this level
6 use effective presentation skills to display completed items.
I hope that's useful, Barb!
I'm going to post photos in a separate post, or else the fonts etc go haywire, turning into randomly enormous and tiny writing. hope it works this way!