It's cold! I'm knitting myself some fingerless mitts, quickly so I can wear them before it gets hot!
That's Noro Silk Garden sock, 2.25mm needles, vaguely using the Endpaper Mitts from See Eunny Knit! as a direction (faster tahn thinking this up myself!) I think I'll finish one today.

And in a more menacing view:

The Oriental Lily dress for Alice comes on apace - arrested briefly just now as I await extra blue yarn from Barb, who is having a pretty rough time just now. No worries, plenty of time before A gets here.

I'm not yet quite sure of how I'll finish off the sleeves - the look we're going for here is that of a pinafore. I'm tending towards blue (to go with the waistband) in moss stitch (to go with the enck edging). We'll see.
And a last pic - this is the sheep window decoration made by (previously mentioned) Hecate-pec (her bro made a wonderful blue subject-of-conversation - is it a spider? a crab? what could it be?) But the sheep - well who does it remind you of?